Saturday, March 27, 2010

First attack!

The preparation had taken months. The planning had been meticulous, the timing calculated to the very last second. There was not going to be an error. There couldn't be. This was clockwork, it always had been clockwork.

The time had arrived. They picked their target area and got ready. After assembling together for months, it was finally time for the operation. With a flourish and deep rumble, they jumped.

One of them had already picked a target. Now hurtling towards it at breakneck speed, their was no room for error. There wouldn't be. Increasing speed and slightly changing angle, the target was going to be hit anytime soon. The closer the target came, the bigger he got and the lesser the chance of an error got, if there ever was one. Closer, closer.... Almost there and....

The raindrop struck my cheek along with a blast of cold air. I looked to the sky. The rains had picked up and the clouds were flashing and rumbling with lightning and thunder. I stopped, and looked around. The soil gave off that wet smell it does after a long dry spell is followed by rains. I took in a deep breath of the smell and the cold air, and allowed it to fill up my lungs. Standing on the bridge, I watched as the wind blew dust and other things around me, at the people running, at the buses and cars speeding by, at the flashes and deep rumbling in the sky. I smiled.

I took another deep breath and started walking, as slowly as I could. The air blasted into me, along with the raindrops, along with the smell of wet earth and along with the feeling that the first rains of the summer had come. I walked along the bridge, my heart dancing to the beat of the raindrops.


  1. :) lovely! my heart dances to the beat of raindrops too - atleast it does when I don't have to go to college during heavy rains.. sitting in the class with wet clothes makes listening to a lecture impossible :D

    beautiful post!

  2. I love the rain too...Love dancing in the downpour..!! :)
    But I get very irritated when my jeans get wet and refuse to dry up :(

  3. @Pavitra

    Yes, that is one of the downsides. But I'll take wet jeans over wet sports shoes any day. :)

  4. Aaah I loved the beginning! Nice red herring there. I don't like the rain. Well I like it in summer when it's hot and stubbornly refusing to rain. But during the monsoons? Not so much. Except if it's a light rain on a pleasant breezy day and I'm not in a grumpy mood. Then it doesn't annoy me.

  5. @Parinita
    Too bad. I love the rain. The only part I hate about it are muddy shoes and pants.


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